TCS Stock Valuation

The objective of this blog is to analyze TCS fundamentals and estimate a fair value per share. Please note that this valuation was done on 4/29/2019.

Just as a manufacturing company invests in building new products/plants, a service company such as TCS invests in up-skilling (learning and development) its existing employees and recruiting new talent. Point being CapEx in service companies is primarily done on learning and development / recruiting employees. It is important to keep a track on such expenses because of two reasons –
A. <Quantitative> Expected growth is a function of re-investments back into the firm (how much the firm re-invests) and return on capital (quality of investment).
B. <Qualitative> Spend on L&D denotes that the firm is serious about remaining relevant in the dynamic technology landscape and a comparison of such spends across different firms could be done to evaluate competitive advantage / future growth potential (which ties in with (a.))
We will estimate expected growth later in this blog post.

You may want to further scratch the surface on L&D spend to see how much of it is going towards upskilling vis-a-vis compliance etc. You may also want to look at the number of patents (IP) or any products developed and use it a a proxy for additional growth

Capital efficiency and operating margin together dictate the return on capital, which gives a view on the quality of investment back into the firm. Detailed voice over presented in the embedded video URL

Detailed voice over presented in the embedded video URL
Detailed voice over presented in the embedded video URL
Detailed voice over presented in the embedded video URL

Based on last year’s re-investments and the quality of those re-investments, fundamentally TCS could grow at 10.34%. We could also take the average of the past expected growth rates to smooth the perceived slight outlier effect of last year. (the average expected growth rate over the last 4 years is lower)

The voice over the above slide snapshots is present in the video embedded below

Disclaimer – Any opinion expressed in this blog post is solely my own and does not represent views of my employer. Moreover, this stock valuation should not be misconstrued as a buy / sell recommendation


Gautam is the passionate equity researcher and instructor at Invest and Rise